Peter C. Foy & Associates Receives Equity Backed Financing
Sica | Fletcher advises Peter C. Foy & Associates Insurance Services, LLC on its private equity backed financing from BHMS Investments.
Sapers & Wallack Sells Benefits Division
Sica | Fletcher advises Sapers & Wallack on the sale of its group benefits division to the Hilb Group.
Sica | Fletcher Publishes 2016 Agency & Broker Buyer Index
$994 million of agency revenue acquired by Sica | Fletcher index members in 2016 via 274 agent and broker transactions.
Baldwin Risk Partners Acquires Affordable Insurance
Sica | Fletcher advises Baldwin Risk Partners on its acquisition of Affordable Insurance.
Diversified Insurance Service Sells to USI
Sica | Fletcher advises Ohio based Diversified Insurance Service on its sale to USI.
Houston International Acquires Elite Underwriting
Houston International Insurance Group Ltd. has acquired Pennsylvania-based Elite Underwriting Services. Elite is a managing general underwriting agency specializing in excess medical insurance, or medical stop loss, and other specialty accident and health products that writes nearly $100 million in gross premiums.
After a Decade of 'Fierce' Competition, Two Insurance I-Bankers Find Quick Success Through New Partnership
Now managing partners of Sica Fletcher LLC, Alexander Sica and Michael Fletcher used to be direct competitors in the insurance advisory space. In 2014 the two joined forces and Sica Fletcher was born and has quickly risen to the top of SNL's insurance league tables, in terms of number of deals, after serving on 22 completed transactions so far in 2014.